Wednesday, 30 April 2014

It's Almost Time...

Holidays are almost over and then it is back to school!

We have a lot of learning to fit into this term, with new literacy and numeracy activities to add into our lessons and SCIENCE!!

This term is all about exploring those science questions that often come up in our classroom. We will be focusing on 'How Stuff Works' but bring along any science-y questions you have and we will fit in an experiment of lesson around them.

We also have our much anticipated Homeworkopoly board set up and ready to go.

Here's a question for you. Let me know the answer on Monday.

The red house is on one side and the blue is on the other, where is the white house?

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Last Day of Term FUN!

Today we had a fun day to end our term. We watched a movie, did a science experiment and had an easter egg hunt.
The power kept going out throughout our movie so we had lots of time for intermissions! It was a great day.
For our science experiment we made easter eggs that exploded into a mass of foam and bubbles. Our easter eggs were all different colours it was awesome.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

The circus has been in town.

We had a sneak preview from the Zirka Circus who have been in town. We watched a gymnastics show.

Team 1 Assembly

Last Friday at assembly we had a fashion parade. Bianca and Flynn represented Room A.

Four More Days!

There are only four days of school this week before the holidays. We are going to be finishing off a lot of our work and preparing our classroom for term 2.

We are also having a movie day on Thursday so make sure you come to school!!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Learning About Music

This afternoon our goal was to compose a new piece of music to share with out classmates. We used Beatlab and Garage Band to create our music. The first thing we did was try to establish a drum beat so that we could add things to it. A lot of us wanted to make dupstep music but we found it quite hard. We will post our finished pieces when we are done with them. Stay tuned!

🎆zip lock bag explode and lava in a jar 🔥

Wednesday 9th April 2014 
Lava in a jar

Aim: can we make lava in a jar ?    
3/4 water 
Food colouring
Method: 1. first you need to fill the jar with 3/4 of water. 2. Then you need to pour the oil in but you only put in 1/4 of it the oil should float at the top of the water. 3. Next you have to put in some salt in you only put in one tablespoon. Then it should take down a blob of oil. 

Results: it did work. First when we put the water in we put the water since oil is lighter than water it stayed at the top of the jar. Then when we put food colouring in the water turned red but the oil stayed yellow. Then when we put the salt in a huge blob goes down this is because salt is heavy it sinks.
Conclusion: it worked.

Exploding ziplock bag
Aim: can we make a plastic ziplock bag explode without touching it ? 
Hypothesis: I think that it will explode💥.
ziplock bag
Bi carbonate of soda ( aka baking soda)                     
Method:  1. Put 1 teaspoon of baking soda inside a tissue .
2. Put 3/4 cup of vinegar in the ziplock bag. 3. Without letting the tissue touch the vinegar put it in the bag. 4. Release the bag and step back.
Results: the first one did not work the second one didn't the third and fourth did.

By sujan

Weekend writing

Wednesday 9th April 2014

On Saturday I went to Auckland to see my aunty that I haven't seen in 4 years.It was fun to hang out with her we went swimming,went to the movies then last of all we went to the park.The next day we had to go home but it was great to see her again but before we went home we quickly stopped at a creek to go fishing we caught a trout as our dinner then we drove all the way back home.

By Tia

My Deer that I Shot!!

Three weeks ago I shot a deer in the bush. I carried it three metres and then my uncle carried it for me. I had to skin it.

By Warren

Science Experiments

Last Friday we had a go at making a plastic bag explode without touching it. To do this, we used vinegar and baking soda. It created a chemical reaction which produced gas and the bag puffed up and then blew up.

Look at my Dinosaur

I am growing a dinosaur. First, it looked like a chook egg. When I put it in water it started coming out of it's shell. After it hatches, it will keep growing in an ice cream container of water.
By Marcus

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Miro Art

We have just finished studying the Spanish Culture. As part of our learning, we looked at famous artists from Spain and studied their art. One artist we looked at was called Miro. After looking at the art that he had done, we decided that we could have a go at doing art like his.

It was tons of fun!

Sumdog before School

We have been enjoying playing Sumdog on our chromebook before school. There are a lot of awesome maths games for us to learn from.

Orange Snack O'Lanterns


1 Orange each
1 Spoon
1 Plastic Plate
1 Big watermelon
1 apple
1 knife

1. Cut the top off the orange.
2. Gut the orange.
3. Carve a face into the side of the orange.
4. Cut the fruit into a fruit salad.
5. Put the fruit in the middle of the orange.
6. Poke the spoon through the lid of the orange.
7. Put the lid and spoon back onto the orange.

By Mackenzie


We have mobiles for our goals this year! They are hanging in the middle of our classroom and they look super cool. Each of us are working towards achieving four goals in reading, writing, maths, and AROHA.