Tuesday, 8 April 2014

🎆zip lock bag explode and lava in a jar 🔥

Wednesday 9th April 2014 
Lava in a jar

Aim: can we make lava in a jar ?    
3/4 water 
Food colouring
Method: 1. first you need to fill the jar with 3/4 of water. 2. Then you need to pour the oil in but you only put in 1/4 of it the oil should float at the top of the water. 3. Next you have to put in some salt in you only put in one tablespoon. Then it should take down a blob of oil. 

Results: it did work. First when we put the water in we put the water since oil is lighter than water it stayed at the top of the jar. Then when we put food colouring in the water turned red but the oil stayed yellow. Then when we put the salt in a huge blob goes down this is because salt is heavy it sinks.
Conclusion: it worked.

Exploding ziplock bag
Aim: can we make a plastic ziplock bag explode without touching it ? 
Hypothesis: I think that it will explode💥.
ziplock bag
Bi carbonate of soda ( aka baking soda)                     
Method:  1. Put 1 teaspoon of baking soda inside a tissue .
2. Put 3/4 cup of vinegar in the ziplock bag. 3. Without letting the tissue touch the vinegar put it in the bag. 4. Release the bag and step back.
Results: the first one did not work the second one didn't the third and fourth did.

By sujan

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sujan, that is an awesome step by step experiment that you wrote, i would like to have a go at this experiment. :)
